2016年1月7日 星期四

Reflection of this semester- JPN 101

1.      Increase my reading speed on hiragana/katakana. As for now my reading is still very slow, and thus I can’t speak Japanese fluently with this slow reading ability.  I think my speaking can be improved with better Japanese reading.
The reading speed has been improved over the semester with assignments and practices.

2.      Understand the basic Japanese grammar. Without knowing the correct grammar, I feel it is very difficult to say a sentence naturally, because I focus too much on the grammar. I will have to be much more familiar with the grammar to speak naturally. 
I am happy that I have learned some basic grammars. Although kind of rusty, but more practices will help me to get familiar with grammars. 

3.      Learn useful and functional sentences/vocabularies for daily uses. After all, my goal after this semester is to survive in Japan.  I will need to learn how to ask questions using “What” “When” “Where” “How” and “Who”. 
So far I have learned "what" "when" "where" "how" "who". I'd like to learn more functional words such as "why", "can", "why not" etc.

      4.     With my Japanese improved over time, I hope after the semester, I can do an animation shadowing. I have to admit it is extremely difficult to do animation shadowing with my current Japanese proficiency, but I really hope I can at least do a 1 minute animation shadowing after this semester.
 Based on my current Japanese, shadowing daily dialogue from animation is still too difficult. I need to learn more Japanese and get more familiar with Japanese.

Activities accomplished:

1.      Practice writing writing/reading katakana 1hr a week to get familiar with them day by day.

2.      Practicing shadowing from “Shadowing. Let’s speak Japanese!” at least 1 times a week, with 20 minutes each time. The difficulty of this material is closer to my current Japanese proficiency and thus it would be great to start from it.
3.      Actively correct my pronunciation by repeating speaking after Google translate.

Activities failed to accomplished include: learn new vocabulary every week; successfully do 1 minute shadowing of animation; practice speaking out loud in addition to PE assignment every week.

2016年1月6日 星期三


私はりょこうするのと しゃしんをとるのが だいすきです。ときどきりょこうして、しゃしんをとります。今年に、いくつかのとこそにいって、しゃしんをとりました。


そして、今年のふゆやすみに、Sequoia National Parkに いきました。このこうえんには、きれいな山があるので、しゃしんをとるのはおもしろいですよ。

今年のふゆたすみに、Joshua Tree National Parkにも いきました。このこうえんには、とくべつなきがあって、いいですよ。

それから、私は、ふゆやすみに たくさん日本のたべものをたべました。カリフォルニアで ちゃんぼんと、からあげと、 とんかつラーメンをたべました、おいしかったですよ!